Autor/autori: Conf. dr. ing. Adrian Petru POP, ing. Leonard, MITU, ing. Horia, O. GEAMAN, prof. univ. dr. ing. Gheorghe BEJINARU
Rezumat: In prezent transferal tehnologic este esential pentru dezvoltarea stiintifica, tehnnologica si tehnica a natiunilor. Mecatronica reprezinta o ramura de varf a stiintei si tehnologiei. Transferul tehnologic in domeniul mecatronicii comporta aspecte privind: produsele, echipamentele, tehnologiile care urmaresc armonizarea unor cunostinte complexe de matematica, electronica, analiza sistemelor etc. Din aceasta perspectiva, in lucrare este prezentat un punct de vedere sistemic privind aspectele principale care definesc transferal tehnologic in domeniul mecatronicii.
Cuvinte cheie: mecatronica, transfer tehnologic
Abstract: At the present stage of the scientific, technological, technical development of a nation, geographical region, communitie, etc, technology transfer is the main lever for progress, mastery, improving people's living conditions, etc. Mechatronics is a top branch of science and technology. Technology transfer in the fields of mechatronics concerning products, equipments, technologies, etc, combines harmoniously and at the same time in a complex way knowledge of mathematics, mechanics, electronics, systems analysis, etc. From this perspective, in the paper, are studied from a sistemic point of view the main aspects that define the concept of technological transfer in mechatronics.
Keywords: mechatronics, technology transfer