Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Daniel GRECEA, As. drd. ing. Mirela SZITAR, Conf. dr. ing. Adrian CIUTINA
Rezumat: Lucrarea de fata isi propune o prezentare a tipologiei constructiilor si a sistemelor de certificare ale cladirilor prin prisma dezvoltarii durabile. Spre deosebire de certificarea energetica, obligatorie in statele UE, care surprinde doar aspectul de mediu, sistemele de evaluare si certificare ambientala (BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, SB Tool) includ toti pilonii dezvoltarii durabile definiti de Raportul Brundtland. Prezentarea si analiza comparativa a acestora a fost realizata in vederea intelegerii felului in care sunt elaborate si folosite astfel de sisteme. Diferentele dintre sistemele de certificare ambientala provin din felul in care este definita dezvoltarea durabila si poderea parametrilor folositi. Desi in prezent sunt optionale si se folosesc in general pentru certificarea finala a unor cladiri care se doresc modele de referinta, utilizarea acestor sisteme de evaluare in fazele de incipiente ale unui proiect se poate dovedi un punct cheie pentru dezvoltarea cu adevarat durabila a mediului construit.
Cuvinte cheie: Dezvoltare durabila, constructii, sisteme de certificare ambientala.
Abstract: The present paper proposes an overview of the construction typology and building certification systems in terms of sustainable development. Unlike energy certification, mandatory in the EU member states, which captures only the environmental aspect, environmental assessment and certification systems (BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, SB Tool) include all the pillars of sustainable development as defined by the Brundtland Report. The overview and comparative analysis of these systems have been done in order to understand how they are developed and used. The differences between environmental certification schemes derive from the way in which sustainable development is defined and the parameters used. Although currently they are optional and generally used for the final certification of reference buildings, using these systems for assessing a construction in the early stages of a project can be a key point for the development of a truly sustainable built environment.
Keywords: Sustainability, buildings, building rating systems.