Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Marian BURA, Asist. dr. ing. Silvia PATRUICA, Antonina JIVAN, Dr. Cornel Cristian CIOBANAS
Rezumat: Lucrarile de ameliorare in apicultura au rolul de a modifica organismul albinelor, de a imbunatatii calitatile ereditare ale matcilor si albinelor lucratoare in scopul cresterii continue a productivitatii familiilor de albine.Ameliorarea in apicultura prezinta o serie de impedimente datorita particularitatilor biologice ale albinelor, respectiv: aprecierea matcii dupa calitatea familie si a imperecherii matcilor in zbor (unde nu poate fi controlata) cu mai m ulti trantori. Incrucisarea intre diferite rase se practica cu scopul de a obtine produsi cu insusiri valoroase, de a imbunatati o rasa sau pentru a crea rase noi. Produsii rezultati (hibrizii) din incrucisarea a doua rase, acumuleaza insusirile valoroase ale raselor parentale datorita efectului heterozis. Acesti hibrizi se caracterizeaza printr-o ereditate imbunatatita dar nestabila. Heterozisul insumeaza nu doar calitatile dorite ci si pe cele nedorite, in special tendinta de roire si comportamentul agresiv. Datorita efectului heterozis, hibrizii F1 pot fi mai productivi si cu o vitalitate mai ridicata, dar nu intotdeauna la albine s-a dovedit a avea efect benefic. Producerea de hibrizi are costuri ridicate ca urmare a cheltuielilor pentru crearea si mentinerea unei linii consagvinizate corespunzatoare. Crescatorii devin dependenti de matci hibride si exista pericolul de a pierde rasa autohtona.
Cuvinte cheie: matca, hibrid, productie, agresivitate, roire.
Abstract: Improvement works in beekeeping are designed to modify the bee body, to improve the hereditary qualities of queens and worker bees and to continue to increase the productivity of bee families.Improvements in beekeeping have a series of impediments due to the biological particularities of the bees such as: assessing the quality of the queen by its family and of the queen after mating in flight (which can not be controlled) with many drones.Crosses between different breeds is practiced in order to obtain products with valuable properties, improving a race or to create new breeds.Resulting byproducts (hybrids) from the crossing of two races, accumulate valuable qualities of parental breeds due to the heterosis effect.These hybrids are characterized by an enhanced but unstable heredity.The heterosis efect sums up the not only the desired qualities, but also the undesired, in particular, the tendency of swarming and the aggressive behavior.Because of heterosis efect, F1 hybrids can be more productive and have a higher vitality, but this efect proved to be not always beneficial for the bees.The production of hybrids has higher costs as a result of the costs for creating and maintaining an appropriate inbreeding lines.Breeders become dependent of the hybrid quenn, and so the danger exist of losing the indigenous race.
Keywords: queen, hybrid, production, aggressiveness, swarming.