Autor/autori: Drd. ing. Ciprian Petrica DIACONU, Ing. Gheorghe Corneliu MORARU, Prof. univ. dr. ing. dr. h. c. Ioan CURTU

Rezumat: In lucrare este parcurs calculul structural pentru o noua structura sferica realizata din bare, principial asemanatoare cu cupolele sferice. Calculul presupune respectarea prevederilor cuprinse in Stasurile si Normativele in vigoare. Analiza structurii cu MEF evidentiaza actiunea semnificativa doar a eforturilor axiale din bare, deformatiilor si tensiunilor rezultate in urma solicitarii structurii de catre factorii externi. Pentru o comportare corespunzatoare, structura se optimizeaza prin rigidizarea cu fire din otel inextensibile. Acestea sunt destinate in noduri cheie si utilizate pentru a fi solicitate doar la intindere. Toate aceste prevederi sunt conditionate din motive de stabilitate a structurii prin studiul riguros al flambajului influentat de solicitarile periculoase de compresiune. Structura astfel optimizata este capabila sa preia si sa transmita fundatiilor incarcari exterioare mari, sa reziste optim la actiunea unui eventual seism prin ductilitatea structurii rezultata din forma geometrica a acesteia si nu prin crearea de articulatii plastice folosite la constructiile conventionale.

Cuvinte cheie: cupola sferica, dom geodezic, poligoane regulate, hexagoane regulate

Abstract: The paper covers the structural calculus for a new spherical structure made of bars, mainly resembling spherical domes. The calculus presumes respecting the provisions comprised in Stas and Normative in force. The FEM analysis of the structure emphasizes only the significant action of axial exertion from bars, deformation and stress resulted from the stress of the structure by external factors. For a proper response, the structure optimizes through stiffness with inextensible steel wires. They are intended to key joints and utilized only to be stressed for traction. All these stipulations are conditioned from motives of structure stability by a rigorous study of buckling influenced by dangerous stress compression. The structure optimized this way is capable of taking over and transmitting to the soil foundation large exterior loads, it is capable of optimally resisting to the action of a possible seism due to the ductility of the structure resulting from its geometrical form and not from the creation of plastic hinges used in conventional constructions.

Keywords: spherical dome, geodesic dome, regular polygons, regular hexagons