Autor/autori: Eng. Adrian-Alexandru MOLDOVAN, PhD student, Eng. Horatiu-Augustin MOLDOVAN, PhD

Rezumat: Identificarea transformatorului de putere necesita o monitorizare continua a caracteristicilor sale functionale. Avand in vedere legatura dintre caracteristicile constructive si starea fizica a transformatoarelor de putere, pe de o parte, si parametrii lor electrici, pe de alta parte, monitorizare, chiar si in timp cvasi- real, poate fi folositoare pentru a asigura o functionare nominala a acestor trasformatoare de putere.Lucrarea actuala prezinta o metoda originala, care poate fi folosita pentru identificare parametrilor transformatorului de putere si o aplicatie software bazat pe aceasta metoda.

Cuvinte cheie: transformator de putere, monitorizare, aplicatie software.

Abstract: Identification of power transformer state requires continuous monitoring of its functional characteristics. Due to the link between constructive characteristics and physical state of the power transformer, on the one hand, and their electrical parameters, on the other hand, the parameters monitoring even in quasi-real time can be profitable to ensure the rated working time of these expensive power equipment. The current paper presents an original method that can be used for transformer identification and a software application based on this method.

Keywords: power transformer, monitoring, software application