Autor/autori: Prof. Eng. Ioan FELEA, PhD, Eng. Eva Maria BARLA PhD, Ec. Adrian-Ioan FELEA PhD Student

Rezumat: Lucrarea este structurata in patru parti. In prima parte se justifica utilitatea subiectului, prin prisma conceptelor majore care marcheaza lumea globalizata, respectiv, competitivitate si dezvoltare durabila, dar si prin prisma importantei energiei pentru civilizatia moderna. In sustinerea oportunitatii demersului se face referire la teoriile si modelele destinate evaluarii competitivitatii economice. Partea a doua este dedicata propunerii si justificarii setului de indicatori de competitivitate energetica grupata de cinci piloni: securitatea energetica, eficienta energetica, impactul de mediu al proceselor energetice, gradul de valorificare al resurselor energetice regenerabile si capacitatea institutionala. Sunt definiti un numar de 45 indicatori, arondati celor 5 piloni prezentandu-se, totodata, modelul de evaluare al acestora. Indicatorii de competitivitate energetica se preteaza a fi evaluati la nivelul natiunilor, regiunilor, la nivelul continental, respectiv, la nivelul UE. Partea a treia contine un exemplu de aplicare a modelului de evaluare a indicatorilor, calculandu-se valorile acelor indicatori pentru care s-au identificat datele primare, oficiale, la nivelul Romaniei si al UE, iar in ultima parte se prezinta concluziile analizelor efectuate.

Cuvinte cheie: competitivitate, indicatori, energie

Abstract: This article has four parts. In the first part, the utility of the subject is justified, through the light of major concepts that mark the globalized world, competitiveness and sustainable development, respectively, but also through the prism of the importance of energy for modern civilization. To sustain the opportunity approach, there are references on theories and models used in assessment of economical competitiveness. The second part of the paper is dedicate to a set of competitiveness indicators proposed and justified, grouped in five pillars: energy safety, energy efficiency, environmental impact of energy processes, harnessing degree of renewable energy resources and institutional capacity. For the five pillars,there are defined 45 indicators and their assessment model. The energy competitiveness indicators assessed to nations,regions, continent, respectively, to EU. The third part contains an example of application of the assessed indicators, computing the values of those indicators for which the primary, official data were identify for Romania and for EU, and in the last part, there are presented the conclusions of the analysis

Keywords: competitiveness, indicators, energy.