Autor/autori: Prof. Eng. Gheorghe HAZI PhD, Prof. Eng. Aneta HAZI PhD
Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta o analiza a utilizarii paratrasnetelor active pentru protectia instalatiilor energetice. Se prezinta pe scurt principiul de functionare si elemente constructive ale acestor paratrasnete. Se arata metodologia de calcul a razei de protectie in functie de inaltimea h de instalare si de inaltimea hx a obiectelor protejate, utilizand metoda sferei fictive. Se prezinta, ca exemplu, protectia unei statii 110 kV cu suprafata de 8700 m2. Se prezinta atat varianta protectiei clasice, cu paratrasnete verticale pasive cat si varianta protectiei cu paratrasnete active. Se face o analiza comparativa tehnico-economica a celor doua variante. In final se trag concluzii privind eficienta utilizarii acestor paratrasnete.
Cuvinte cheie: PDA – paratrasnet cu dispozitiv de amorsare, metoda sferei fictive, zone de protectie.
Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of usage of active air terminals for the protection of power installations. It summarizes the operating principle and the construction elements of these air terminals. It shows the methodology for calculating the protection radius in relation to the installation height, h, and to the height of the protected objects, hx, using the rolling sphere method. An example is presented for the protection of a 110 kV station over a surface of 8700 m2. The paper presents both the classic protection option, with passive vertical air terminals and the active air terminals protection option. A comparative technical and economic analysis is made for the 2 options. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding the efficiency of the air terminals.
Keywords: ESE - early streamer emission air terminals, rolling sphere method, zone of protection