Autor/autori: Dr.Eng. Mihaela-Loredana CAZACU , Dr. Eng. Sorin BALAUTA, Eng. Gabriela COSARCA

Rezumat: In acest raport, autorii prezinta modul de utilizare a functionalitatilor sistemului TURTLE TS2 PLC implementat in E.ON Moldova Distributie SA. Sistemul ofera citiri zilnice ale consumului si curba orara de consum pentru contoarele integrate utilizand reteaua de joasa si medie tensiune, pentru transmisii date si facand posibila deconectarea clientilor, in caz de neplata, de la punctul central. Validarea reconectarii consumatorului este trimisa de la punctul central prin intermediul retelei electrice. Software-ul de punct central ofera rapoarte de prognoze, profile standard pentru diferite categorii de consumatori, datele de facturare ale consumurilor de energie electrica. Sunt prezentate aspecte referitoare la profilarea curbelor de sarcina standard in baza datelor inregistrate de sistem, precum si cateva avantaje ce rezulta din realizarea balantelor pe posturile de transformare gestionate de acest sistem. Ca o particularitate sunt conectate –via GPRS- la serverul de punct central controlere ce inregistreaza temperatura medie exterioara.

Cuvinte cheie: PLC, E.ON

Abstract: In this report the authors presents some aspects regarding the functionalities of the implemented TURTLE TS2 PLC system in E.ON MOLDOVA DISTRIBUTION.. The system provide daily readings and hourly profile consumption from the integrated meters using the low voltage network and medium voltage network, for dates transmissions, and make possible to disconnect of the customers, in case of non-payment , from central point.The validation for reconnect the customer is sending from the central point too, via electrical network. The central point’s software provides standard profiles for different types consummers , dates for billing of energy consumptions . There are aspects of profiling standard load curves based on data recorded by the system and achieve several advantages resulting from the transformer balances.. As a feature-connected via GPRS to the central server that records the average outside temperature controllers.

Keywords: PLC, E.ON