Autor/autori: Lecturer Eng. Denisa STET PhD, Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Dan D. MICU, Eng. Levente CZUMBIL PhD Student, Eng. Liviu ANCAS
Rezumat: Obiectivul lucrarii consta in evaluarea tensiunilor induse intr-o retea de doua conducte subterane de transport a gazelor naturale, care impart un coridor de distributie comun cu o linie electrica aeriana de inalta tensiune (LEA-IT), cu scopul de a determina probabilitatea aparitiei fenomenului de coroziune in cazul celor doua conducte metalice (CM). Analiza interferentelor electromagnetice dintre LEA-IT si CM, s-a realizat cu ajutorul programului profesional CDEGS al Safe Engineering Services & technologies ltd. Pentru o generalizare a situatiilor in care trebuie evaluate tensiunile induse, s-au considerat diferite conditii de functionare ale LEA-IT precum si modele echivalente de sol
Cuvinte cheie: interferente in c.a., linie electrica de inalta tensiune, regim de functionare dezechilibrat, conducta metalica subterana
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to evaluate the induced voltages in case of two underground gas pipelines, which share a same right of way with an existing high voltage power line (HVPL), in order to detect the possibility of the AC corrosion in occurring in those two pipelines. The analysis of the interferences between HVPL and the underground metallic structures was doing using the HIFREQ Module of CDEGS professional analysis and modelling software. Different operating conditions and equivalent soil models were taking into account for induced voltage calculation
Keywords: AC interference, high voltage power lines, unbalanced regime, underground metallic pipeline