Autor/autori: Eng. Adrian-Alexandru Moldovan, PhD student

Rezumat: Caderile de tensiune sunt una dintre cele mai frecvente probleme care pot aparea pe o linie de productie. Caderile de tensiune cu o durata viata foarte scurta nu provoca pagube însemnate, dar daca depaseste doua sau mai multe cicluri, echipamentele sensibile pot fi grav deteriorate, ceea ce într-un sistem de fabricatie, bazat pe astfel de echipamente sensibile, va avea ca consecinte risipa de resurse materiale si umane. Lucrare de fata va prezenta o posibila solutie la aceasta problema prin utilizarea unui compensator static de distributie DSTATCOM.

Cuvinte cheie: caderi de tensiune; DSTATCOMS

Abstract: Voltage sags are one of the most frequent problems that may appear on a production line that is using sensitive electrical equipments. Short lived power sags may not cause much harm, but if the sag exceeds two or more cycles, than the sensitive equipments can be seriously damaged which in a manufacturing system using such sensitive equipments will lead to wastage of material and human resources. There are some methods used to eliminate the sag effects, in this paper will be presented a possible solution to this problem by using a distribution static compensator DSTATCOM.

Keywords: voltage sags mittigation; DSTATCOMS