Autor/autori: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Mihai RATA PhD, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Gabriela RATA PhD, Prof. Eng. Dorel CERNOMAZU PhD, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Leon MANDICI PhD, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Vasilis CHATZIATHANASIOU PhD (Grecia), Eng. Ilie NITAN PhD stud
Rezumat: Unul din cele mai performante materiale magnetostrictive la ora actuala este TERFENOL-D, cu aplicabilitate atat la constructia actuatorilor cat si ca senzori, pentru controlul vibratiilor. Datorita proprIetatilor pe care le are acest material poate fi utilizat si la constructia motoarelor neconventinale, mai exact a vibromotoarelor.
Cuvinte cheie: vibromotoare, materiale magnetostrictive, TERFENOL-D
Abstract: One of the most performing magnetostrictive materials is currently TERFENOL-D, which is use in construction of the actuators and as sensors for vibration control. Due of their properties this material can be used also to build of unconventional motors, namely the vibromotors.
Keywords: vibromotors, magnetostrictive materials, TERFENOL-D