Autor/autori: Nicoleta MATEOC-SIRB, Miroslav RAICOV, Camelia MANESCU, Teodor MATEOC
Rezumat: Uniunea Europeana este una dintre cele mai prospere si competitive zone din lume, atat din punctul de vedere al nivelului de dezvoltare economica, cat si al potentialului de dezvoltare. Cu toate acestea se cunoaste faptul ca exista inca diferente majore privind prosperitatea si productivitatea statelor membre sau intre regiunile acestora. De aceea politica de dezvoltare rurala a Uniunii Europene trebuie adaptata nevoilor specifice ale regiunilor si definita de comun acord cu autoritatile regionale si locale. In lucrarea de fata autorii isi propun sa analizeze prioritatile urmarite prin politica de de dezvoltare rurala a UE in perioada imediat urmatoare 2014-2020
Cuvinte cheie: dezvoltare rurala, fonduri, obiective, prioritati
Abstract: The European Union is one of the most prosperous and competitive areas in the world, both through the level of economical development and through its development potential. However, it is known that there are still major differences concerning the prosperity and productivity of its state members or between the state’s regions. Therefore, the rural development policy of the European Union must be adapted to the specific needs of the regions and it must be defined by a mutual agreement with the regional and local authorities. In the present paper, the authors have planned to analyse the prorities that are followed through the rural development policy of the Eu in the immediate period of 2014-2020.
Keywords: rural development, funds, objectives, priorities