Autor/autori: Vasile DRAGU, Dumitru NEAGOE, Alexandru BOROIU
Rezumat: In lucrare se prezinta o prognoza a evolutiei transportului judetean de persoane, in Dolj, pe o perioada de la 5 la 10 ani. Se determina fluxurile de calatori maxime pe arcele retelei rutiere din echilibrul dintre cererea de deplasare si oferta de transport, se intocmesc diagramele in trepte ale fluxurilor de calatori cu origine in Craiova si se traseaza grafic variatia functiei de mobilitate in functie de distanta medie de calatorie. De asemenea, se precizeaza propunerile pentru perspectiva privind realizarea obiectivelor in infrastructura, cu influenta asupra mobilitatii populatiei judetului si se propun traseele pentru transportul judetean de persoane pentru anii 2015-2020, evidentiate grafic pe harta judetului Dolj.
Cuvinte cheie: mobilitate, transport public de persoane, trasee de transport
Abstract: In this paper we present a forecast about the development of passenger transportation in Dolj County, for a period of 5 to 10 years. It was determined the maximum passenger flows on road network arcs taking into account the balance between demand for road travel and transport supply, the step diagrams were drawn for passenger flows with the starting point in Craiova, and it was traced the graphic of mobility function depending on the average distance of travel. It also specifies the proposals for the future regarding the execution of infrastructure’s objectives, those objectives having a major impact on population mobility. In this paper are also proposed the future routes for county passenger transportation for the years 2015-2020 in Dolj County, highlighted on the map
Keywords: mobility, public passenger transportation, transport routes map