MASURI INSTITUTIONALE PENTRU DEZVOLTAREA TRANSPORTULUI PUBLIC URBAN SI METROPOLITAN Importanta relatiei transportului public cu modul de folosire a terenurilor

Autor/autori: Ing. George ROZOREA, Viorica BELDEAN, Ing. Geanina SUDITU

Rezumat: In Romania au fost initiate in ultimii ani o serie de masuri pentru adoptarea cadrului legal si punerea in practica a unor sisteme organizatorice si institutionale fie pentru crearea de zone metropolitane in jurul unor aglomerari urbane mai importante si asociatii intercomunitare de dezvoltare cum este cazul oraselor Oradea si Iasi, fie prin studierea conditiilor de infiintare a unei autoritati metropolitane de transport, in cazul Bucurestiului, capitala tarii. Un studiu elaborat in anul 2008 pentru infiintarea Autoritatii Metropolitane de Transport Bucuresti a prezentat masurile concrete ce trebuiesc luate pentru punerea in practica a acestei initiative. Infiintarea A.M.T.B. va permite punerea in aplicare cu succes a unor relatii contractuale cu fiecare operator pe baza de Contracte de Servicii Publice (P.S.C.) elaborate conform noilor reglementari la nivel european in vederea cresterii eficientei si calitatii serviciului public de transport. Recent, prin Ordonanta nr. 21 din 30.08.2011 a fost aprobata infiintarea subordinea Ministerului Transporturilor si Infrastructurii, care va prelua multe dintre atributiile unei asemenea institutii, asa cum au fost prezentate in studiul mentionat mai sus. Dezvoltarea corespunzatoare a retelelor de transport public atat la nivel urban cat si la nivel suburban si metropolitan este strans legata de folosirea terenurilor tinand cont de situatia juridica a acestora. Pe plan international au fost deja testate o serie de metode, si pot fi impartite in trei categorii distincte: achizitionarea anticipata a terenurilor in vederea vinderii acestuia cu obtinerea unui profit, sau dezvoltarea de activitati comerciale pe acesta; luarea de masuri de ameliorare a zonelor pentru maximizarea valorii terenurilor; stabilirea unui Parteneriat Public Privat. Prin aplicarea unora din aceste metode sau combinatii intre acestea, pot fi facute progrese importante in dezvoltarea mai rapida a transportului public.

Cuvinte cheie: retea de transport public, atractivitate, exemple de bune practici.

Abstract: In the last few years, Romania has witnessed a set of measures aimed at adopting a legal framework and implementing organizational and institutional systems for the establishment of metropolitan areas located around major urban metropolises and intracommunity development associations such as the case of Oradea and Ia?i, either by taking a closer look to the conditions of establishing a transport metropolitan authority in the case of Romania’s capital, Bucharest. A study prepared in 2008 for the establishment of Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority has presented the concrete measures that need to be taken in order to implement such action. The establishment of BMTA would ensure successful application of contractul relations with each single operator based on Public Services Contracts (PSC) prepared in agreement with the new European regulations in order to increase the public transport service effectiveness and quality. Recently, the establishment of BMTA under the authority of Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has been approved by Ordinance 21 of August 30, 2011, which would be assigned with many of the duties specific to such an institution, as presented in the above-mentioned study. Appropriate development of public transport networks both within cities/towns and in the periurban/metropolitan area is closely related to land use taking into account the legal status of land. Worldwide, a set of methods have already been tested. They can be divided into three separate categories: Prior acquisition of land in order to later sell the land in order to make a profit, or developing commercial activities on such land; Take mitigation measures of areas in order to maximise land value; Establish a Public Private Partnership. By applying certain of the above methods or combination thereof, major progress can be attained in terms of quick development of public transport.

Keywords: public transport network, attractiveness, best practice examples