Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Nicolae SANDU

Rezumat: O societate trebuie sa se bazeze pe componentele sale care o definesc si o sustin. Orice functionare necorespunzatoare, la orice nivel creeaza un efect de disfunctionalitate in acel sistem, iar o cronicizare a acelei functionari necorespunzatoare poate sa afecteaza insasi securitatea acelei societati. Un sistem feroviar reprezinta una din componentele principale ale functionarii economiei unei societati, o carte de vizita si un bun care poate da plus-valoare pentru o tara membra a unei uniuni. Transportul feroviar este si va ramane unul dintre principalele sisteme de transport la nivel mondial, iar viitorul acestui sistem este garantat iar viitorul acestui sistem este garantat, el avand capacitatea de a transporta cele mai mari cantitati de marfa, cele mai periculoase si cu costurile cele mai atractive in raport cu timpul si cantitatea De acest sistem depind economii ale lumii, el insasi fiind generator de profit, iar prin el se pot exporta atat democratie cat si securitate. Aceste lucruri il face important pentru economia care o deserveste, dar, totodata, devine el insusi un posibil factor de insecuritate prin vulnerabilitatile pe care le poseda.

Cuvinte cheie: infrastructura feroviara, vulnerabilitate, siguranta

Abstract: A society must be based on components that define and support her. Any malfunction at any level creates a negative effect in that system and a chronically malfunctioning that may affect the security of that company it self. A railway system is one of the main components of a functioning economy society, a business card and an asset that can add value to a member country of a union. Rail transport is and will remain a major global transport system. The future of this system is guaranteed, it having the capacity to carry the large amounts of cargo, the most dangerous with the most attractive costs with respect to time and quantity. For this system depends countries’ economies, as it itself is generating profit, and through it, can be exported both democracy and security. These things make it important for the economy it serves, but also, is it self a possible vulnerability factor on of insecurity in their possession vulnerabilities that have

Keywords: railway infrastructure, vulnerability, safety