Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Gheorghe MANOLEA

Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta rezultatele unei experiente care se bazeaza pe managementul din mijlocul echipei, care combina forta intelectuala cu impactul emotional, specific activitatii inovative, creative si poate fi un raspuns la problemele cu care se confrunta in prezent invatamantul tehnic superior si cercetarea: lipsa de motivatie a candidatilor si studentilor in conditiile unei nevoi acute de retehnologizare si automatizare a activitatilor industriale; scaderea competitivitatii institutelor de cercetare romanesti; necesitatea transformarii universitatilor in unitati antreprenoriale in care ponderea finantarii din surse extrabugetare creste in raport cu finantarea de la buget; lipsa cadrului legal si organizatoric in care absolventii sa-si formeze si sa-si exerseze deprinderi creativeinovative, aplicative-practice.

Cuvinte cheie: inovare, transfer tehnologic, universitate

Abstract: The paper presents the results of an experience based on the management inside the team, which combines the intellectual power and the emotional impact, specific to the innovative and creative activity, and which can be a response to the problems with which the academic technical education and the research face nowadays: the candidates and students’ lack of motivation while in an acute need of rehabilitation/rejuvenation and automation of industrial activities; the decrease of the competitiveness of the Romanian institutes of research; the necessity to transform the universities into entrepreneurial units where the share of extra-budgetary financing increases proportionately to the financing from the state budget; the lack of legal and organizing frame within which the students could acquire and practice creative-innovative and applicative-practical skills

Keywords: innovation, technological transfer, university