Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Gabriela MATACHE, Dr. ing. Corneliu CRISTESCU, Dr. ing. Catalin DUMITRESCU
Rezumat: Articolul prezinta unele modalitati de ridicare a nivelului profesional al lucratorilor din domeniul actionarilor hidraulice si pneumatice. S-a constatat si se constata ca s-a ajuns in situatia nefavorabila in care lucratorii din domeniu nu mai pot nici macar intretine si repara echipamentele si utilajele importate. Lipsa de pregatire din domeniu este cauzata si de slaba pregatire profesionala a inginerilor implicati in intretinerea si reparatia sistemelor hidraulice. In ultimii ani, s-a constatat o crestere a deficitului de lucratori specializati, simultan cu cresterea nivelului tehnic al echipamentelor hidropneumatice importate direct, sau aflate in componenta unor utilaje complexe. Urmarea este ca, de cele mai multe ori, dupa incercari esuate de mentenanta si reparatii cu diversi pseudospecialisti, posesorii acestor utilaje si echipamente au fost obligati sa apeleze la specialistii straini. Cheltuielile cu acestia au devenit foarte mari, conducand la o crestere artificiala si nedorita a produselor si serviciilor realizate cu aceste utilaje si echipamente. Practica a dovedit ca lucratorii nostri au probleme nu doar cu hidropneumatica, ci si cu mecanica fina si cu ansamblurile mecano-hidraulice. Colectivul de cercetatori din INOE 2000-IHP isi propune sa dezvolte o metodologie de perfectionare profesionala a inginerilor mecanici, pornind de la metodologia europeana propusa de CETOP pentru specialistii din domeniile hidropneumaticii, care se bazeaza pe parcurgerea unui numar de niveluri de perfectionare profesionala.
Cuvinte cheie: educatie si inginerie, formare profesionala, actionari hidraulice si pneumatice.
Abstract: The paper presents some modalities for upgrading the professional level of the employees from the fluid power field. It has been constantly remarked that the employees are not capable anymore of performing the required maintenance and repairing activities for the main equipment and installations. The lack of appropriate training is caused by the low qualification of the engineers involved in the maintenance and repairing activities of the hydraulic systems..In the late years, it has been noticed an increase of the deficit of specialized workers, while the technical level of the hydropneumatic equipment, directly imported or which is integrant part of the structure of complex systems, has been significantly increased. The result was that after several failed attempts at receiving maintenance and repairing from various pseudospecialists, the owners of such equipment and installations had to address to foreign specialists. The expenses with these became very high, leading to an undesired artificial increase of the costs related to the use of these products and the afferent services provided by them . Practice has proven that our specialists have problems not only with the hydropneumatics but with the fine mechanics and the mechano hydraulic assemblies as well. The reasearch team, from INOE 2000-IHP Institute, aims to develop a metodology of professional upgrading of the mechanical engineers, starting from the european methodology proposed by CETOP for the specialists from the fluid power field, which has at the base the coverage of several training levels.
Keywords: engineering and education, professional training, hydraulics and pneumatics systems