Autor/autori: Roland WIRTH, Etelka KOVÁCS, Gergely MARÓTI, Zoltán BAGI, Gábor RÁKHELY, Kornél L. KOVÁCS (Ungaria)
Rezumat: Utilizarea combustibililor fosili la scara planetara este limitata de disponibilitatea acestor resurse si de efectele asupra mediului conex cu exploatarea lor excesiva. Producerea de purtatori de energie regenerabila capata un interes crescand la nivel global. Astfel, biogazul reprezinta un candidat cu potential pe masura ce tehnologia utilizata pentru producerea sa poate combina tratamentul diverselor deseuri organice cu generarea unui purtator de energie. Scopul prezentului studiu este de a determina posibilitatea aplicarii tehnologiei de secventiere de generatie viitoare pentru a caracteriza consortiul compozit ce se dezvolta intr-un fermentator de biogaz si de a testa daca rezultatele valideaza valorile obtinute utilizand abordarea prin pirosecventiere.
Cuvinte cheie: biogaz, deseuri organice, digestie anaeroba.
Abstract: The utilization of fossil fuels on a global scale is limited by the availability of these resources and by the environmental effects of their excessive exploitation. The production of renewable energy carriers is therefore currently receiving increasing attention worldwide. Biogas is a promising candidate as the technology of its production may combine the treatment of various organic wastes with the generation of an energy carrier. The aim of the present study was to determine the possibility of applying this short-read nextgeneration sequencing technology to characterize the composite microbial consortium developing in a biogas fermenter and to test whether the results validate those obtained by using the pyrosequencing approach.
Keywords: biogas, organic wastes, anaerobic digestion