Autor/autori: Anca Violeta BISCHOFF, Prof. dr. ing. Sabin IONEL

Rezumat: Prezenta lucrare abordeaza din punct de vedere al stiintelor comunicarii extrase din manuscrisul lui Mihai Eminescu – Fragmentarium. Extrasele supuse analizei lingvistice fac parte din domeniul fizicii, mai precis, acestea fac rrire la notiuni precum electricitate si magnetism. Analiza lingvistica este in fapt una de tip comunicational si urmareste modul in care se realizeaza comunicarea, cu toate dimensiunile pe care le inglobeaza- participanti, componentele de continut si de relatie, codul utilizat, intentionalitatea, impactul asupra receptorului etc. Astfel, analiza realizata din perspectiva comunicationala incadreaza extrasele in tipologia textelor stiintifice, generand in acelasi timp un dialog intre doua domenii aparent aflate la poluri opuse- stiinta si comunicarea.

Cuvinte cheie: Fragmentarium, analiza lingvistica, oralitate, limbaj stiintific, argumentare de tip logos, valoare literar-artistica, linguistic analysis, vocality, scientific language, ratiocination through logos, literary-artistic value

Abstract: The following paper focuses on the analysis of Mihai Eminescu’s Fragmentarium, from the standpoint of communication studies. The excerpts used in the analysis belong to the domain of physics, more precisely, they refer to concepts such as magnetism and electricity. The aim of this study is underline and then enhance the value of the linguistic aspects identified in the selected fragment. The analysis can represent a step forward in the area of scientific communication and it may just be a way to present to the public ideas and technologies which might otherwise seem foreign

Keywords: Fragmentarium, linguistic analysis, vocality, scientific language, ratiocination through logos