Autor/autori: Gratian-Adrian OLTEANU
Rezumat: Industria alimentara ce functioneaza intr-o economie de piata are nevoie de consumatori. Numarul mare de consumatori creste rentabilitatea si sustine aceasta industrie. Prin metoda corelatiei de rang putem identifica si ierarhiza factorii care influenteaza numarul de consumatori al unui produs. Solutia propusa se bazeaza pe completarea unui chestionar si calcule statistice. Lucrarea prezinta un studiu asupra factorilor care influenteaza consumul de bere. Studiul s-a facut prin identificarea a 10 factori de influenta si conceperea unui formular de ancheta ce a fost completat de 12 consumatori de bere. Pentru a facilita calculele s-a realizat un program de calcul care permite introducerea cu usurinta a datelor de intrare si reprezentarea automata a histogramei. In urma prelucrarii datelor prin metoda corelatiei de rang s-a aratat ca factorii semnificativi sunt legati de caracteristicile berii, si anume: Gustul, Marca si Gradul de alcool.
Cuvinte cheie: factori de influenta, analiza, consum de bere, specialist.
Abstract: Food industry which works inside the market economy needs consumers. The large number of consumers increases the rentability which sustains this industry. Through the rank correlation method we can identify and rank the factors which influence the number of consumers for a certain product. The proposed solution is based on the completion of a questionnaire and statistical calculus. The paper presents a study on the factors that influence the beer consumption. The study was made through identifying 10 influence factors and making an inquiry form which was completed by 12 beer consumers. For easing the calculus it was created a calculus program which allows the easy introduction of input data and automatic representation of the histogram. After data analysis using the rank correlation method it was determined that the most important factors are connected with the beer characteristics: taste, brand and alcohol degree
Keywords: influence factors, analysis, beer consumption, specialists