Autor/autori: R. IONEL, C. DUGHIR, S. NANU, D. TUCU, I. IONEL
Rezumat: Lucrarea descrie designul unui prototip de masina industriala (ROD Picker), care va fi utilizata pentru o recoltare exacta a culturilor cu ciclu scurt (SRC). Prototipul va incorpora fluxul de lucru si caracteristicile tehnice specificate de catre partenerii din proiect: Egedal Maskinfabrik A/S – Danemarca, Salix Energi Europa AB - Suedia, Lempe Gbr - Germania, TTZ Bremerhaven – Germania, TU Dresden – Germania si U.P. din Timisoara – Romania. Culturile SRC joaca un rol tot mai important in dezvoltarea agriculturii prin eficienta productiei de biomasa. Folosind cresterea rapida a speciilor de arbori (salcie, plop) poate fi produsa bioenergie, contribuind astfel la doua directii majore ale strategiei UE, si anume: triplarea folosirii resurselor de energie regenerabila pana in 2020 si reducerea impactului cerintelor din industria lemnului cu privire la resursele forestiere interne. Cu toate acestea, cultivarea plantelor energetice presupune un proces tehnologic complex, o etapa fiind taierea automata exacta a nuielelor conform dimensiunilor specificate. Aceasta contribuie la viteza pregatirii produselor si eficienta de distributie a pietei.
Cuvinte cheie: culturi de plante energetice , biomasa, masini de taiat nuiele, pepiniere SRC
Abstract: The present paper describes the design of an industrial machine prototype (ROD Picker) which will be used for precise cutting in Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) farms. The prototype will incorporate the functionality workflow and technical features specified by the project partners: Egedal Maskinfabrik A/S – Denmark, Salix Energi Europa AB - Sweden, Lempe Gbr - Germany, TTZ Bremerhaven – Germany, TU Dresden – Germany and U.P. from Timi?oara – Romania. SRC farms play an increasingly important part in the agricultural development of efficient biomass production. Using fast growing trees species (willow, poplar) bioenergy can be produced, thus contributing in two major directions of the EU strategy: tripling the use of renewable energy resources by 2020 and decreasing the impact of wood industry requirements on domestic forest resources. However, cultivation of such energy plants involves a complex technological process, one stage being the automated precise cutting of rods according to specified dimensions. With the help of the ROD Picker this task will become automated. This contributes to the overall product preparation speed and market distribution efficiency.
Keywords: Energy Plants Farms, Biomass, Rod Cutting Machinery, SRC Nurseries