Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Ioan Dan GHEORGHIU, Drd. ing. Claudia TOMESCU, Ing. Iulia MIRCEA, Eng. Oana FALUP

Rezumat: In contextul preocuparilor de reducere a emisiilor de GES, Uniunea Europeana promoveaza tehnologia de captare si stocare a dioxidului de carbon (CCS) ca parte a portofoliului de masuri care vizeaza atingerea tintelor de reducere asumate in documentele de pozitie ale UE. Proiectul Demonstrativ Getica CCS isi propune realizarea lantului integrat CCS: captare, transport si stocare a CO2. Instalatia de captare a CO2 urmeaza a fi implementata la Termocentrala Sucursalei Turceni – Complexul Energetic Oltenia, blocul energetic nr. 6 de 330 MW, reabilitat, care functioneaza pe lignit. Instalatia de captare in tehnologie post combustie are o capacitate de 1,5 milioane tone CO2 pe an, o eficienta de 85% si utilizeaza procedeul de captare cu amoniac racit. Transportul CO2 comprimat se face prin conducta subterana, pe o lungime de circa 50 km, in conditii de fluid supracritic. Stocarea in siguranta a CO2 se face in formatiuni geologice acvifere saline, la o adancime de peste 2000 m.

Cuvinte cheie: CCS, Getica, instalatie de captare, post combustie, procedeu cu amoniac racit

Abstract: In the GHG mitigation framework, European Union promotes carbon dioxide capture and storage technology, as part of the measures portfolio designed to accomplish reduction commitments assumed in EU position documents. Getica CCS Demo Project intends to realize the CCS full chain: CO2 capture, transport and storage. CO2 capture installation is going to be implemented at Turceni Power Plant – Oltenia Energy Complex, at Unit nr.6, retrofitted, on lignite with an installed power of 330MW. The post combustion facility has an annual capacity of about 1.5 million tons of CO2, with removal efficiency of 85% and utilizes chilled ammonia capture process. Compressed CO2 transportation is made through onshore underground pipeline, with a length of about 50 km, as a supercritical fluid. The CO2 safely storage is in saline aquifer at depth exceeding 2000 m

Keywords: CCS, Getica, capture facility, post combustion, chilled ammonia process