Autor/autori: Teodor VINTILA, Adrian TRULEA, Szuzsana LACZKO, Simina-Ileana NEO
Rezumat: Scopul principal al acestui experiment a fost acela de a analiza posibilitatea utilizarii cocenilor de porumb epuizati in procesul de producere a etanolului drept materie prima intr-un nou ciclu tehnologic in care se urmareste producerea de biogaz. Drept inocul si cosubstrat, s-a folosit un amestec de namol activ provenit de la un fermentator de biogaz dintr-o ferma de vaci si dejectiile proaspete de vaca. Rezultatele arata ca prin adaugarea cocenilor de porumb nepretratati, maruntiti la 10 mm, volumul de biogaz obtinut creste cu 32,2 ml/100 ml mediu de fermentatie fata de sarja martor. Prin adaugarea bagasei de coceni pretratati mecanic si epuizati in procesul de obtinere a etanolului, volumul de biogaz creste cu 158,7 ml/100 ml mediu de fermentatie. Aceste date indica faptul ca se produce o cantitate mai mare de energie prin procesarea in cascada, combinand cele doua tehnologii: producerea de etanol lignocelulozic, urmata de producerea de biogaz, fata de procesarea separata a cocenilor la etanol sau bogaz.
Cuvinte cheie: coceni de porumb, biogaz, bioetanol, fermentatie anaeroba, reziduuri agricole
Abstract: The main purpose of the experiment was to compare the biogas yield from corn stalks with the biogas yield from corn stalks bagasse resulted from the process of lignocellulosic ethanol production. Mixture of liquid sludge from a cattle-farm biogas plant and fresh cattle manure was used as inoculums and co-substrate. The results indicates that by addition of unpretreated corn stalks, choped in 10 mm particles, the gas yield is improved with 32,2 ml/100 ml fermentation medium compared with control. By addition of mechanical pretreated corn stalks bagasse resulted after the process of bioethanol production, the gas yield increased with 158,7 ml/100 ml fermentation medium compared with control batch. These results indicates that more energy is produced if the corn stalks are processed in cascade, by the combination of the two technologies: lignocellulosic ethanol production followed by biogas production of the resulted corn stalks bagasse, comparing with separate processing of corn stalks to ethnol or biogas
Keywords: corn stalks, biogas, bioethanol, anaerobic fermentation, agricultural waste