Autor/autori: Ph.d. Stud. Arh. Dan STOIAN, Ph.d.civ.eng. Valeriu STOIAN, Ph.d. civ.eng. Daniel DAN

Rezumat: Odata cu proiectarea si constructia unei case pasive in apropierea orasului Timisoara a fost dezvoltat si un sistem de monitorizare a parametrilor ambientali. Cladirea a fost proiectata folosind metodologia specifica proiectarii caselor pasive si a fost executata tinand cont de exigentele specifice caselor pasive. Informatia colectata este incarcata pe un server web care creeaza grafice disponibile pentru vizualizare online si permite descarcarea datelor pentru prelucrare ulterioara. In cursul studiului de piata preliminar proiectului am constatat ca cea mai mare parte a echipamentelor disponibile sunt exagerat de scumpe; de obicei producatorii gandesc sisteme inchise, excluzand posibilitatea interfatarii prin componente produse de terte parti. Ca atare, a fost alcatuit un sistem de monitorizare din componente independente. Inima sistemului consta dintr-un echipament denumit Web Energy Logger, care este conectat la o serie de senzori prin mai multe intrari. Necesitatea unei conexiuni internet a dus la utilizarea unui ruter cu port USB disponibil, care a fost conectat la un modem 3G. Afisarea locala a datelor colectate si monitorizarea conexiunii internet este realizata cu un modul produs artizanal.

Cuvinte cheie: casa pasiva, parametri ambientali, monitorizare.

Abstract: The work presents a system for the continuous monitoring of the structural parameters of a building. The system gathers data via a bus connected to several sensors. The resulted data is uploaded to a webserver. While researching the market for monitoring hardware several problems were encountered during the process of selection. Most of the available hardware was very expensive; they usually formed a closed system with little possibility for external interfacing through 3rd party hardware or software. As such, a monitoring system was assembled from independent components. The core monitoring system consists of a Web Energy Logger that connects to several sensors. For an internet connection a router with a USB port was chosen to interface to a 3G modem. In addition local display of the collected measurements was desired and the monitoring of the internet connection was necessary in order to ensure its reliability since it was observed during trials that it tended to disconnect, leading to the development of an inexpensive module fulfilling the above requirements

Keywords: passive house, ambient parameters, monitoring