Autor/autori: Vlad Alexandru BARBU, PhD. Student
Rezumat: Obiectivul acestui articol este punerea in aplicare a unui sistem de control eficient pentru panouri fotovoltaice. Fiecare panou este bazat pe o oglinda si un sistem de dirijare. Fiecare panou trebuie pozitionat astfel incat sa primeasca direct lumina soarelui pentru putere maxima. In acest articol ne propunem o solutie de control bazata pe un bio-algoritm (algoritm genetic), cu anumite caracteristici speciale date de punerea in aplicare propusa.
Cuvinte cheie: panou fotovoltaic, algoritm hardware genetic, hardware evolutiv
Abstract: The objective of this article is the implementation of an effective control system for photovoltaic panels. Each panel is based on a mirror and a routing system. Every panel should be positioned so it gets direct sunlight for maximum output. In this article we propose a solution of control based on bio-inspired algorithm (genetic algorithm) with certain special features given by the proposed implementation
Keywords: photovoltaic panel, hardware genetic algoritm, evolvable hardware