Autor/autori: Georgeta Emilia MOCUTA, Ioana IONEL
Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta obiectivul general si rezultatele partiale ale proiectului si anume organizarea de practica pentru a asigura elevilor o sansa de formare crescuta si imbunatatita, in conformitate cu realitatea, si orientare si consiliere pentru cei care doresc sa imbratiseze o cariera de succes in domenii prioritare ale ingineriei si de a imbunatati prin practica invatarea pentru corelarea cu piata fortei de munca. Durata proiectului: octombrie 2010 - octombrie 2013. Proiectul este cofinantat de Fondul Social European Programul Operational Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Partenerii de proiect sunt Universitatea „Politehnica“ din Timisoara, Romania (UPT), in calitate de coordonator, Universitatea din Pitesti, Romania (UPIT), Institutul de Studii si Proiectari Energetice (ISPE) – Bucuresti, Romania, FRAUNHOFER - Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung din Germania. Proiectul PRACTICOR propune un model inovativ (viziune) privind practica studentilor de la universitatile tehnice (UPT si UPIT), in scopul de a creste performanta si calitatea. Echipa este unitara si omogena, bazata pe complementaritate, comuniunea de interese si obiective, si isi propune sa ofere tinerilor absolventi sansele de acces crescute, care sa conduca la dezvoltarea durabila a societatii europene, cum ar fi, de exemplu, cele privind resursele traditionale si reciclabile de energie, transporturi si tehnologii avansate, in scopul de a proteja mediul si pentru a asigura o evolutie armonioasa in spatiul transnational al societatii, in procesul de dezvoltare durabila. PRACTICOR este instrumentul prin care eleviiii sunt ghidati si sfatuiti sa-si continue studiile in domeniul ingineriei, iar studentii sunt consiliati si finantati astfel incat sa poata alege cea mai buna directie potrivita de specializare, in scopul de a obtine o diploma B.Sc. si un grad M. Sc., dublandu-si cunostintele teoretice prin practica si activitati legate de aspecte de avangarda si aplicatii tehnologice utile societatii. Cuvinte cheie: practica, consiliere in cariera, inginerie, piata fortei de m
Cuvinte cheie: unca in societatea bazata pe cunoastere.
Abstract: This paper presents the overall objective and partial results of the project namely the organization of practice to ensure their students a chance to increased and enhanced training, in line with reality and guidance and counselling to those who wish to embrace a successful career in priority areas of engineering and to improve through practice, learning correlating with the labour market. Duration of the project: October 2010 – October 2013. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013. The project partners are „Politehnica” University from Timi?oara, Romania (UPT), as coordinator,University from Pite?ti, România (UPit), Institute for Studies and Power Engineering ISPE Bucure?ti, România,FRAUNHOFER – Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung from Germany, respectively. The PRACTICOR project proposes an innovative model (vision) of practice for the students from technical universities (UPT and UPit), in order to increase performance and quality. The team is unitary and homogenous, also based on complementarities, communion of interests and goals, which aims at offering the young graduates increased chances of access to foreground fields that lead to sustainable development of the European society, such as, for example, those regarding traditional and recyclable energy resources, advanced transports and technologies, in order to protect the environment and to ensure a harmonious evolution within the transnational space of the society in the process of durable development. PRACTICOR is the instrument by means of which pupils are guided and counselled to continue their studies in the field of engineering, and the students are counselled and financed so they can choose the best suited direction of specialization in order to obtain a B.Sc. degree and a M. Sc. degree, doubling their theoretical knowledge by practice and activities related to aspects of technological avant-garde and useful applications for society.
Keywords: practice, engineering career counselling, labour market in knowledge society