Autor/autori: Eng. Alexandru KRIUKOV, PhD Student, Prof. Eng. Mihai GAVRILAS PhD
Rezumat: Solutia aparenta pentru reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera din industria transporturilor este inlocuirea vehicolelor cu ardere interna cu masini electrice, o solutie in stransa legatura cu industria energiei electrice. Succesul acestei tehnologii depinde foarte mult de existenta unor locuri unde incarcarea vehicolelor electrice sa se poata face la un pret redus. In aceasta lucrare se analizeaza modalitatea in care vehicolele electrice interactioneaza cu piata de energie electrica (PZU) si modalitati de management energetic pentru reducerea costurilor cu incarcarea bateriilor masinilor electrice.
Cuvinte cheie: masini electrice, parcare, management energetic, V2G, G2V
Abstract: The apparent solution for reduction of emissins of greenhouse gases in transportation industry is the replacement of traditional vehicles with electric vehicles, a solution in close connection with electricity industry. Electric Vehicles succes is closely linked with the existence of places where charging can be done at convenient prices. This paper studies how the electric vehicles interact with the electricity market through the parking lot operator and how to apply an energy management strategy for the benefit of drivers and the parking lot as a who
Keywords: Electric Vehicles (EV), parking lot, energy management, V2G, G2V