Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Ioana Corina MOGA, Ing. Gabriel PETRESCU, Dr. ing. Bogdan NASARIMBA, Ing. Florina PRICOP, Ing. Razvan SCARLAT
Rezumat: Uniunea Europeana depune eforturi pentru recuperarea decalajelor de crestere economica fata de Statele Unite, asezand domeniul CDI la baza acestor demersuri. Revizuirea Strategiei Lisabona in anul 2005 a reintarit obiectivul stabilit la Barcelona de a aloca 3% din PIB pentru cercetare-dezvoltare. Numai prin educatie se poate ajunge la cercetare-dezvoltare, astfel incat se poate discuta de triunghiul cunoasterii: educatie-cercetare-inovare. Inovarea este strans legata de impactul asupra bunastarii si este un proces cu multe variabile, are in centrul sau colaborarea dintre cercetare/educatie si industrie. Prin finantarea acordata proiectelor de cercetare, studiilor de doctorat si post-doctorat se poate ajunge la obtinerea unor rezultate deosebite, spre exemplu dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii si instalatii/echipamente destinate protectiei mediului. In cadrul a doua proiecte de cercetare (o cercetare de tip post-doctorat si un proiect de cercetare finantat prin programul POS CCE), numai ca urmare a studiilor de specializare si post-universitare, s-au obtinut rezultate valoroase – elaborarea unei statii de epurare levigat si utilizarea eficienta a sistemelor de aerare in vederea atingerii unui grad de epurare cat mai ridicat.
Cuvinte cheie: perfectionare continua, educatie, inovare, cercetare.
Abstract: EU tries to recover the gap toward the economic growth of the United States, putting the RDI activities behind these efforts. Review of the Lisbon Strategy in 2005 has reinforced the Barcelona target of allocating 3% of GDP to research and development. Only education can lead to research and development, so that we can discuss about the knowledge triangle of education-research-innovation. Innovation is closely linked to the impact on welfare and is a process with many variables, and is centered on collaboration between research - education and industry. By funding research projects, doctoral and post-doctoral studies can be achieved remarkable results, for example the development of new technologies and facilities/equipments for environmental protection. In three research projects (a postdoctoral research and 2 research projects financed by POS CCE program) only as the result of studies and specializations, were obtained valuable results - development of a waste leachate treatment plant and the efficient utilization of the aeration systems.
Keywords: continuous improvement, education, innovation, research