Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Ioana ARMAS

Rezumat: Prin complexitatea si etrogenitatea problematicii specifice, fiabilitatea evidentiaza o serie de directii de inovare tehnica si tehnologica, menite sa contribuie la proiectarea corespunzatoare a acestei dimensiuni a sistemelor tehnice. Din acest punct de vedere, prezenta lucrare propune o noua perspectiva in reprezentarea fiabilitatii prin definirea ciclului de viata al fiabilitatii si a functiei de dezvoltare a acesteia (RFD). Astfel, parametrii fiabilitatii sunt reconsiderati ca obiective de proiectare si sunt identificate principalele directii de inovare tehnologica bazata pe modelul fiabilitatii, impreuna cu dimensiunile lor specifice. Rezultatele obtinute fundamenteaza dezvoltarea unor noi proiecte de cercetare si, de asemenea, definesc cadrul global al proiectarii pentru fiabilitate.

Cuvinte cheie: fiabilitate, inovare tehnologica, ciclul de viata al fiabilitatii, functia de dezvoltare a fiabilitatii (RFD), proiectare pentru fiabilitate

Abstract: Reliability represents a complex and heterogeneous area of problems, that highlights many technical and technological innovation directions aimed to contribute to a corresponding design of this dimension for all the technical systems. From this point of view, the present paper proposes a new perspective in representing the reliability life-cycle (RLC) and the reliability function deployment (RFD) framework. Thus,the reliability parameters are considered as design goals, and the main directions for technological innovation based on the reliability model are identified, highlighting their corresponding areas. The results fundament the development of new research projects, and, also, define the global framework of the design for reliability

Keywords: reliability, technological innovation, reliability life-cycle (RLC), reliability function deployment (RFD), design for reliability