Autor/autori: Drd. ing. Cosmin ILIE, Dr. ing. Artur George GAMAN, Dr. ing. Daniel PUPAZAN
Rezumat: Sistemele informatice de evaluare pot fi definite ca programe de calculator care folosesc cunostintele si experienta unor experti pentru a rezolva probleme complexe intr-un domeniu restrans si sunt bazate pe rezultatele cercetarii inteligentei artificiale in domeniul reprezentarii cunostintelor, a metodelor de inferenta si a limbajelor naturale. Sistemele informatice de evaluare sunt o componenta esentiala a inteligentei artificiale, prin intermediul carora sunt stocate cunostintele unor experti intr-un domeniu specific de activitate, pe care apoi, printr-o abordare declarativa pot fi exploatate in mod dinamic de un mecanism de rationament. Aplicatia informatica este realizata conform unei scheme de tip liniar si prezinta grafic succesiunea logica a prelucrarilor, imbinand intr-o ordine verticala tipurile de structuri ale algoritmului.
Cuvinte cheie: industria extractiva, sistem informatic de evaluare, expert uman, personal de interventie si salvare.
Abstract: The information systems of assessment may be defined as computer programs that make use of expert experience and knowledge, in order to solve complex problems in a restrained field, and they are based on the results of artificial intelligence research in the fields of knowledge representation, inference methods and natural languages. The information systems of assessment represent an essential component of the artificial intelligence, through which the expert knowledge in a specific field of activity is stored; subsequently, this knowledge can, on a declarative approach, be dynamically capitalized by a reasoning mechanism. The information application is achieved according to a linear diagram and it shows graphically the logical processing sequence, combining in a vertical order the types of algorithm structures
Keywords: mining industry, information assessment system, human expert, intervention and rescue personnel