Autor/autori: Sef lucr. dr. ing. Mihaela STET

Rezumat: In conditiile unei dezvoltari tehnologice rapide, cu efecte directe asupra ciclului de viata al produselor si al tehnologiilor, IMM-urile trebuie sa raspunda cerintelor unor piete in continua evolutie. Lucrarea are drept obiectiv prezentarea principalelor modalitati de accelerare a progresului tehnologic in IMM-uri, in conditiile cresterii importantei rolului acestor intreprinderi in peisajul economic si al globalizarii. Sunt reliefate, in aceasta directie, rolurile cercetarii si inovarii si influenta lor asupra dezvoltarii IMM-urilor.

Cuvinte cheie: tehnologie, IMM-uri, inovare, cercetare

Abstract: In the conditions of a fast technological development, with direct effects on life cycle of the products and technologies, SMEs have to meet the requirements of an evolving market. The paper has as objective the presentation of the main means for acceleration of technological progress in SME, under the terms of increasing the importance of the role of these enterprises in the economic landscape and the globalization. There are emphasized, in this respect, the roles of the research and innovation and their influence on the development of SMEs

Keywords: technology, SMEs, innovation, research.