Autor/autori: Marius STOIANOVICI, Ioan CURTU, Angela REPANOVICI
Rezumat: Se prezinta o noua, inovatoare platforma de accesare a colectiilor de publicatii prelucrate prin sisteme informatice de regasire/cautare (descriptori) si prin coduri de bare. Platforma include sistemul de cautare/regasire KOHA, cu acces liber, prin care vechile colectii de publicatii sunt prelucrate folosindu-se de asemenea sistemul de codare cu bare. Cu ajutorul scanerului DIGIBOOK 2NET, colectiile de periodice sunt digitalizate si transformate in formatul pdf cu cautare si recuperare/extragere prin cuvant si apoi prin descriptori in sistemul integrat KOHA. Modelul prezentat poate fi extins si pentru alte comunitati de interese. Aceasta este descrisa in literatura de specialitate ca fiind una din primele surse de informare.
Cuvinte cheie: digitalizare, publicatii, arhive, KOHA, Romania
Abstract: A new and innovative platform is presented, used for accessing collections of publications processed by computer retrieval / search (descriptors) and barcodes systems. The platform includes the Koha search / retrieval system, with open access, which allows old publications collections to be also processed using the bar coding system. With DigiBook 2NET scanner, periodical publications collections are digitized and converted into searchable PDF format with recovery / extraction by word and then by descriptors in the integrated Koha system. The presented model can be extended to other interest communities. This is described in the literature as one of the first information sources
Keywords: digitization, publications, archive, Koha, Romania