Autor/autori: Ș.l. dr. ing. Alexandru I. CHIUȚĂ, Ing. Daniel BOTOAGA
Rezumat: Mediul, sub forma de mediul înconjurător sau mediul ambiant, este o noţiune care se referă la totalitatea condiţiilor naturale de pe Pământ sau dintr-o regiune a sa, în care evoluează fiinţele sau lucrurile. Dintre aceste condiţii fac parte atmosfera, temperatura, lumina, relieful, apa, solul etc., precum și celelalte fiinţe vii. Mediul are un rol foarte important în procesul evoluţiei fiinţelor vii, care, la rândul lor, sunt un factor de transformare a mediului
Cuvinte cheie: mediu, echilibru ecologic, protectia mediului, educaţie
Abstract: The environment, as the environment or the environment, is a concept that applies to all natural conditions on Earth or a region to the evolving beings or things. Among these conditions are part of the atmosphere, temperature, light, landscape, water, soil etc., and other living beings. The environment has a very important role in the evolution of living beings, which in turn are a factor of environmental transformation.
Keywords: This paper aims to perform a comparative analysis wih regard to open source Learning Management Systems, by evidencing technical characteristics. The benefits of Moodle LMS are highlighted, due to popularity and performance. INCDTP – Bucharest has implemented such a LMS ( ) for improving the transfer of knowledge towards the textile companies in the field of environment protection, within the Erasmus Plus projects with acronyms Advan2Tex (2014-2016) and TexMatrix (2016-2018).