Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Emilia VISILEANU, Ing. Razvan SCARLAT, Dr. ing. Ovidiu IORDACHE, Ing. Cornelia MITRAN, Dr. ing. Ion Razvan RADULESCU
Rezumat: Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele obţinute in cadrul unor experimente de laborator de vopsire/finisare cu nanocompozite ceramice a materialelor textile din 50%bumbac/50% poliester.Pentru tratare s-au utilizat 3 tipuri de nanomeri :I.28E Nanomer, I.31 PS Nanomer si Na-MMT Nanomer. Evaluarea UPF al materialelor textile crude si vopsite s-a realizat prin utilizarea standardului Australian/ New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4399:1996. Sun Protective clothing – Evaluation and classification, care defineste trei nivele de protectie solara: buna (UPF= 15-24 ),foarte buna (UPF=25-39) si excelenta (UPF=40-50 sau 50+).
Cuvinte cheie: nanomeri, ceramici, nanocompozite, protectie solara, textile.
Abstract: The paper presents the results obtained in the laboratory experiments of dying / finishing with ceramic nanocomposites of 50% cotton / 50% polyester textile materials. Three types of nanomaterials were used for treatment: I.28E Nanomer, I.31 PS Nanomer and Na-MMT Nanomer. The UPF evaluation of raw and dyed textiles was made using Australian / New Zealand Standard AS / NZS 4399: 1996. Sun Protection Clothing - Assessment and classification, which defines three levels of sun protection: good (UPF = 15-24), very good (UPF = 25-39) and excellent (UPF = 40-50 or 50+).
Keywords: nanomers, ceramics, nanocomposites, solar protection, textiles