Autor/autori: drd.Iig.Adrian GABOR

Rezumat: Se crede ca in viitorul apropiat, raportul variabil de comprimare (VCR) va furniza industriei auto o gama larga de strategii pentru a putea fi produse motoare puternice, cu un consum redus de combustibil, ceea ce va duce la autovehicule atractive care se vor conforma celor mai exigente norme de poluare. Totusi apare urmatoarea intrebare:in actualul context legat de poluarea mediului inconjurator si de resursele de petrol tot mai putine, de ce producatorii de autovehicule nu folosesc deja motoarele cu VCR? Producerea motoarelor cu VCR reprezinta o adevarata provocare tehnologica care implica schimbari majore in mecanica unui motor obisnuit. Acest articol prezinta cateva solutii recente de motoare cu VCR si caracteristicile lor, sarcina fiind identificarea si studiul solutiei care indeplineste toate caracteristicile indispensabile pentru producerea in masa a motorului in termeni de functionalitate, rezistenta si fiabilitate avand, totodata costuri de productie rezonabile

Cuvinte cheie: raport de comprimare variabil VCR, motor, eficient, combustibil

Abstract: We think that in the near-future, Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) will provide to the automotive industry a wide range of efficient strategies to produce fuel-efficient, powerful engines which will result in attractive cars that will conform to most stringent emissions standards. Then the question is: as present, environmental and energy context cannot be more suited to such a strategy, why don't carmakers already produce VCR engines? For all carmakers producing VCR engines represents a real technological challenge which implies big changes in engine's mechanical definition. This article presents some of the actual solutions of VCR engines and their characteristics, the task being to identify and study a design that fulfils all indispensable features for a mass-produced engine in terms of functionalities,reliability and durability while presenting reasonable production costs

Keywords: Variable compression ratio VCR, engine, fuel-efficient