Autor/autori: Drd. ing. Lucian FERARU, Drd. ing. Robert ROSCA, Drd. Ing. Corneliu TANCO, Prof. dr. ing. Iacob Nicolae TRIF
Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta tehnologii noi si inovative de inbinare a metalelor neferoase, folosite cu preponderenta in industria electrotehnica. De asemenea, lipirea de componente electronice si electrotehnice, necesita tehnologii specifice pentru acest domeniu, tehnologii prezentate in aceasta lucrare. Dezvoltarea tehnologica pe plan mondial, in domeniul electrotehnicii si electronicii, se bazeaza in mare pante pe componente SMD (surface monted device),componente care se realizeaza prin tehnologii de lipire prezentate in lucrare
Cuvinte cheie: lipire, brazare, SMD, laser, baie de lipire, metale neferoase
Abstract: The paper present new and innovative tehnologies of joining non-ferrous metals, highly used in electrotechnical industry. Allso for the bonding of the electronic components it need specificaly technologies, which are presented in this paper. Brazing of those components it can be done thru new brazing tehnologies also presented in the paper. The tehnological development that we are assisting nowadays,in electronical and electrotechnical is strongly based on SMD components, which are realized by using joining tehnologies that are presented in this paper
Keywords: bonding, brazing, SMD, laser, non-ferrous metals