Autor/autori: Prof. univ. dr. ing. Ioan CURTU, Asist. drd. ing.Anca-Elena STANCIU,

Rezumat: Fibrele de sticla utilizate la armarea rasinilor termoplaste si termorigide se obtin din asa numita sticla textila formata din fire de urzeala si fire rasucite.Aprecierea comportarii la solicitari (intindere si incovoiere) a unei piese din materiale compozite polimerice pentru anumite conditii de exploatare este o problema mai dificila decat, de exemplu, in cazul pieselor din materiale metalice datorita, in special, dependentei mult mai pronuntate a caracteristicilor materialelor compozite polimerice de factori precum temperatura, durata incercarii, umiditatea epruvetei, sectiunea acesteia etc.Metoda manuala sau de contact pentru realizarea epruvetelor de tip placi pentru incercari mecanice este prezentata in standardele SR EN ISO 527 si ISO 14125. In cadrul unui material compozit, materialele sub forma de fibre preiau tensiunile ce actioneaza direct asupra matricei ce prezinta o rezistenta mult inferioara fibrelor.

Cuvinte cheie: epruvete, tensiuni, rigiditate, modulul de elasticitate, MAT, roving

Abstract: The glass fibres used in reinforcing thermo-plastic thermo-rigid resins are obtained from the so called textile glass consisting of yarn and ply. The assessment of the tensile and ……behaviour for a polymeric composite part is a more difficult issue than for example the assessment of a metal part in the same conditions, especially due to the accentuated dependence of the polymeric composite materials of some influences like temperature, test duration, sample humidity, sample cross-section, etc. The manual or contact method for obtaining plate type specimens for mechanical tests is presented in a dedicated standards SR EN ISO 527 ?i ISO 14125. Inside a composite material the fibre shaped materials take over the tensions acting directly upon the matrix, which presents less stiffness than the fibres

Keywords: specimens, tension, stiffness, Young's module, MAT, roving