Autor/autori: Lecturer Rocsana BUCEAMANEA-TONIS, Lecturer Radu BUCEAMANEA-TONIS
Rezumat: Lucrarea se concentreaza asupra diferitelor tehnologii care asigura comunicarea in interiorul programelor pentru calculator, precum si intre calculatoare. Se refera la paradigma UNIX asupra modulelor slab-cuplate, foarte importanta chiar si astazi, in special in aplicatii web. Se porneste de la elementele de baza privind comunicarea pipe-line, stiva de protocoale web, procedura de apeluri la distanta, si mesajele orientate-obiect. Apoi se analizeaza facilitatile oferite de .Net Remoting in paralel cu serviciile web moderne. In final este prezentat un studiu de caz axat pe comunicarea inter-proces in domeniul de cercetare principal al autorilor, si anume sistemele distribuite de luare a deciziilor.
Cuvinte cheie: IPC, UPI, RPC, CORBA, SOAP
Abstract: This paper focuses on various technologies that ensure communication inside computer programs and between computers. It focuses on UNIX paradigm on loosely-coupled modules, very influential even today, especially on web applications. It starts from the basics with the pipe-line communication, web stack of protocols, remote procedure calls, and object-oriented messaging. Then it explores the facilities of .Net Remoting in parallel with the web services upon the modern web seemed firmly based. It ends with a case study focused on inter-process communication from the main research field of the authors, distributed decision making systems